I'll be waiting...for you...so
If you come here...
You'll find me.

I promise.







June 2008 August 2008 November 2008




Picture Edit and Skin Done by: Silents
Codes from sixseven
Picture of vincent valentine from Google Search :X
Image Hosted by : Photo Bucket
Fonts from : DaFont
blog host blogger

Sunday, June 22, 2008
- Father's Day dinner :

slp till quite late... wake up at 4 plus... cuz grandparent call... say meeting at 5plus... jus nice after i hang the call mum call me to wake up le... cuz they comin over to fetch us le... me, bro n sis squeeze in my uncle car... n dad n mum take bike there to AMK... hw i wish i had a car... so can go dwn tgt wif my parent le...
reach hm around 9... cuz stay dwnstair wif frens at basketball court... they had a frenly match when i on the way to my dinner... n they lose by 7 points... they still need more training ba... play a few match before goin hm... totally cannot shoot le... end up onli win 1 match out of 5...
need more training also le... LOLx
flipping my books... tml exam le...
wish me gd luck... XD

Been Abandoned @ 11:00 AM


Saturday, June 21, 2008
- Did nth Much... :

as usual... went out wif dar...
then send her hm... manage to reach hm before 12... n saw my bro watching taiwan show...
"Fated To Love you"
tink is his gf recommend him watch de ba... n he say the show is not bad... see when when i free then go watch it ba...

Been Abandoned @ 11:00 PM


Friday, June 20, 2008
- My First Practica... It So Fun!!! :

wake up at 6 n went dwn for my practical... the bike is much more heavier than i expected... tink is cuz it pump wif full tank of petrol... jere bike also nt as heavy as tat... so mean... the bike fall once when i wanna push dwn for the first time... other than tat... the rest went very smoothly... n so... i clear my 1.01... my subj is 1.02 lo... but for 1.01... the onli stuff i nv clear is changin gear... so let see when can i get my 2B licence...

after tat send dar to work n went sch to study... really need to get some stuff frm my frens... or else really dunno wat to study... after few hr so study... really very very very de tired... so started to rot le... wanna to go hm also lazy... tinkin of walkin all the way to MRT station... *FAR* end up really cannot take it le... leave at 8 n drag myself hm... reach hm at 9 plus... n there i went to my dreamland le...

overall... a tiring day... cuz i onli slp for 3hr n did so many things...

Been Abandoned @ 11:56 PM


Thursday, June 19, 2008
- Editing of blogskin :

woke up at 2pm... knwing she coming to look for me... MC again... saying she is too tired...

when she reach we start lookin for my blogskin le... not many nice de... or shld i say nice skins is hard to find... finally found 2 final fantasy VII de skins... 1 look cool & the other look nice...
then we decide to use the first skin we saw... then when we finish we found tat the skin look WEIRD!!! then feeling like changing to the other 1... but she going hm for dinner le... after she went back... i try to edit the skin myself... but need to change alot of things... so end up i went for dinner first... LOLx...

after dinner, i decide to change the whole skin to the 2nd skin we saw... so after i change everything, she still say the 1st 1 look nicer... so i end up change back the skin n edited it... FINALLY... i finish n nw blogging...

that all i did for today... editing blogskin...

ok... going slp lo... the day i looking forward to is coming... my first 2B practical lesson... but it start at 8AM... i better go slp nw... already 12.30AM... cya......

Been Abandoned @ 11:30 AM


Wednesday, June 18, 2008
- Enrollment!!! :

finally hav a blog le... happiest person tink is her ba... lolx... she hav been waitin for so long le... woke up at 11 plus... so tired sia... not enough slp... but too bad need to wake up... meetin her at bukit gombak...

OMG... late again... she hav a bad day at work again... no time for lunch... took a cab frm gombak station to bbdc... then she wan me to enroll my 2B before she go for her practical...
paid $70, manage to book 1 practical lesson & paid the enrollment fee...

1st practical lesson is at 2 days later... she help me book de... cuz she also hav practical lesson for her class 3 tat day... but the timing is at 8 in the mornin... wonderin how am i gonna wake up...

after enrollment, waited for her to fin her practical... then acc her to do her things... and went hm at 10 plus...

n i lookin forward for my 1st practical lesson...

Been Abandoned @ 11:12 PM
