I'll be waiting...for you...so
If you come here...
You'll find me.

I promise.







June 2008 August 2008 November 2008




Picture Edit and Skin Done by: Silents
Codes from sixseven
Picture of vincent valentine from Google Search :X
Image Hosted by : Photo Bucket
Fonts from : DaFont
blog host blogger

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
- :

I like tis song so much..

Hope u all enjoy too...^_^

Been Abandoned @ 1:29 AM


Friday, August 1, 2008
- Last Day of School :

so sorry!!! missing for so long... been busy wif sch work..
so sian... today been free... edited my blog...
but feel like nth change much... LOLx
maybe jus nt use to tis blog skins...
added some music to my blog too...

finally... last day of sch... next is exam le...
comin next week thurs is common test...and sem. exam 2 week later...
need to study again... hopefully can pass...
cuz i dun wanna 'DA BAO' already...
heard my fren say i can graduate wif my frens if i onli hav 1 unclear module...
SO i dun wanna fail anymore...or else i need to stay back for 1 more semester...

when then i can get a job????
i wanna continue take my bike lic..
.clear my stage 1... next is stage 2 le...
hoping my phone ring...
cuz i fill up quite a number of application form le...

ok... i'll stop here le...

Been Abandoned @ 4:35 AM
